"The breeze of painting is watercolor."

Fluency, transparency, spontaneity and freshness

Watercolor, in principle, offers a deceptive ease. It is a seductive technique that uses its multiple attractions to subjugate many and most of the time, of all those who have happily started without knowing the technique, end up getting discouraged and leaving the brushes in a forgotten corner.

Watercolors are not solved by formulas or master recipes, invariable magic or with a few "tricks" that we have learned in a workshop or course, but requires a study and constancy bordering on obstinacy in order to know the technique, to solve, with certain guarantees any work.

Do you want to learn to paint with watercolors, because sitting in front of the computer is not the way to learn to paint. Knowing how to do is conquered by doing and learning, without excessive impulses or banal shyness. If you want to learn to paint, paint, but follow a plan and establish a method. Without running too much. You have to make mistakes and learn from them.

The knowledge of an art does not compromise with an anarchic and rebellious experience. Impatience and haste breed weariness and usually lead to disillusionment and boredom.

Even if the first results are not as good as you dreamed, do not get discouraged and keep insisting. The great Greek poet Hesiod said that "if you store little by little and often, you will soon have a lot", so if you pursue success it is essential to bring quality to a will. What is learned in a theoretical way is generally useless and quickly forgotten. A knowledge is useless if it is not practiced, used and experimented.

Therefore, the only way to learn to paint is to paint.

I was told it and I forgot it;
I saw it and I understood it;
I did it and I learned it. Confucius (551 BC-478 BC) Chinese Philosopher

Ricardo Corcuera AQUARELA I/II, afternoon