Hello! Do you know me?

That's right! My name is Salvador Dalí.

Dalí was a Spanish artist that many call crazy, he was extravagant, provocative and controversial. One of the most eccentric figures in the world of the arts and , without a doubt, a genius. His painting was called SURREALIST. Out of the real....


Dalí chose to change his own reality and developed what he called the "paranoiac-critical method". Dalí himself described it as: "a state in which one can simulate delusion while maintaining sanity".

Let's dive into the artistic avant-garde of surrealism.........let's think like Dalí did....

His paintings immerse us in an unreal world, full of fantasy. ....

Everything becomes.....

Some painters followed this SURREALIST movement, Vladimir Kush ,....

Let's take a trip to a very special place...where Dalí was inspired by some of his paintings.

In Girona.....

Look at an example of this painting. Inspired by the rock, he drew its very forms, taking it to an imaginary world...

It's your turn to be "a little surrealist, a little...Dalí"....

If you are lucky enough to see a rock from your window, you can use it as inspiration, but for the rest of you, you can use these images from Girona, from the same place where he was inspired and if you can, print them; but it is not necessary. Just by looking at them you will surely come up with something....