If you are passionate about the world of bookbinding do not hesitate to learn about this new technique with which you will acquire very specific knowledge about the construction of a book:
● Loose cover.
● Edge to edge guards in suede.
● Double cover with two different types of cardboard, such as cardboard-wood, which facilitates the use of leathers, diverse and contemporary materials.

This type of structure allows the design to be worked on using different decorative techniques: perforations, incisions, colored edges, etc.

You only have to bring the book you want to bind, (whose characteristics will be specified when you register) since all the materials (leather, cardboard, paper, etc.) are included in the price of the course.

Fecha: 15/16 y 22/23 de marzo de 2025 en la Escuela de Artes y Oficios.
Duración: 2 fines de semana, (próximamente se concretará el horario).
Docente: Ana Ruiz Larrea
Máximo de asistentes: 12 personas. Si eres alumna o alumno de la escuela puedes apuntarte antes del 15 de febrero, a partir de esa fecha se abrirá a toda la ciudadanía.
Precio: 375 €