Would you like to discover the creative process and the construction of books as containers of emotion?
In this workshop we will walk together the path of the throbbing "creative process" and the many detours that are taken in it, from our original idea to the multiple changes that transform and enrich it.
We will analyze how in the end we almost never arrive to a known place, but to another place plagued by attempts and failures, daily struggles, wonderful mistakes and unexpected journeys. Perhaps then we will be able to understand that we do not need a goal to reach, but only to trace and walk the path that will bring us closer and closer to what we wanted to transmit through ourselves.

Fecha: 9 y 10 de mayo de 2025 en la Escuela de Artes y Oficios.
Duración: viernes tarde y sábado todo el día (próximamente se concretará el horario).
Docente: Juanan Requena
Máximo de asistentes: 12 personas. Si eres alumna o alumno de la escuela puedes apuntarte antes del 9 de abril, a partir de esa fecha se abrirá a toda la ciudadanía.
Precio: 100 €