School of Arts and Crafts of
Plaza del Conde de Peñaflorida / Peñafloridako Kondearen plaza


In a world that increasingly pushes us to immerse ourselves in social networks
and in the construction of a distant society between people, the
project PUNTO UNO proposes precisely to point out as the focus of the
construction the collective work and for others.
A light installation from which happens the social articulation,
community and solidarity.
A collaborative project based on the interaction of the viewer and its
relationship with the rest to build between the different actors "the light" in its
metaphorical and literal concept.

Sare sozialetan murgiltzera eta pertsonen arteko harreman hotzen gizartea
eraikitzera gero eta gehiago bultzatzen gaituen mundu honetan, LEHENENENGO
PUNTUA proiektuak proposatzen du, hain zuzen, eraikuntzaren erdigunetzat
jartzea gauzak taldean eta besteentzat egitea.
Argi instalazio bat da, eta, handik abiatuta, artikulazio sozial, komunitario eta
solidarioa gertatzen da.
Elkarlaneko proiektu bat, ikuslearen eta gainerakoekin duen harremanaren
arteko elkarreraginean oinarritua, eragileen artean "argia" eraikitzeko
kontzeptu metaforikoan eta hitzez-hitzezkoan.

In a world that increasingly insists that we immerse ourselves in social
networks and the construction of a society that is distant among people, the
"PUNTO UNO" project precisely proposes focusing on constructive actions
as a group and for others.
A light installation in which a social, community and solidarity framework
takes place.
A collaborative project based on interaction with the spectators and their
relationship with the rest in order to construct "the light" in this literal and
metaphorical concept among the different participants.