We begin the exhibitions of the academic year 2023-24 with the photography exhibition, "Fragments/Zatikiak". The inauguration will take place on Thursday, October 5 at 19:00h and will be open until November 3.

We are waiting for you!

Zure bi beirazko orrien aurrean dagoena, hogeita sei ispilu inklinatuetan islatzen dena da: forma heterogeneoak eta irudi ezberdinak.Itxuraz, elkarrekiko zerikusi gutxirekin, zure begirada barruan, zuk jauzten dituzunak. Lehenengo begiradan sakabanatuta ageri dira eta ia, ez dute objetu irregular bat iradokitzen. Baina berriz berriz astintzen badituzu, atrakzio unibertsalaren legea jarraituzuz, benetan diren bezelakoak agertzen dira: geometría bat beraren zatiak.

What your two sheets of glass have in front of them is what is reflected in twenty-six mirrors: heterogeneous fragments detached from different people. Images that you will turn in the tube of your own gaze. After a first glance, they will appear scattered. But if you shake them a second time, they will obey the law of universal attraction and, inside your kaleidoscope, they will reveal themselves for what they really are: the pieces of a single mosaic.