Creative projects

Informative summary of the course

The Creative Painting Projects comprise two school courses, Projects I and II. These courses are recommended for students who have already studied Painting or who have a basic knowledge of pictorial practice, contemporary art and its fundamentals.

Days of the week: Monday, Wednesday and Friday

Hours: from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm or from 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm

Course level: In-depth

Conditions of access: With the specialty of Painting studied or proving sufficient knowledge.

Duration: School year from September to June


Projects I

Informative summary of the course

It is an initiation to the problems of creativity, the process and the pictorial project. The student will be introduced to the current plastic languages and first personal experiences. The aim of this course is to form an individual subjectivity in order to achieve a personal and differentiated project.


  • Understanding the space of representation in painting. Interferences in artistic languages.
  • Materials in relation to the discourses of the work of art.
  • Extra artistic materials.
  • Simple structures, complex structures.
  • Relationship form meaning.
  • Extending the limits of painting.
  • New tools in image processing.
  • Knowledge and study of contemporary art artists.
  • Learning in team and individual work with emphasis on the creative process rather than on the completion of the work.


Projects II

Informative summary of the course

In continuity with the previous course, this second course considers artistic creation as the simultaneous form of producing objects and generating thoughts. The function of the course is to strengthen the student in this double task, it will lay the foundations of his performance in art through his own artistic process, understanding it as an accumulation of decisions and choices from which it is necessary to project, execute and evaluate. All this from an environment of freedom and constantly maintaining a questioning attitude.


  • Understanding the space of representation in painting. Interferences in artistic languages.
  • Materials in relation to the discourses of the work of art.
  • Extra artistic materials.
  • Simple structures, complex structures.
  • Relationship form meaning.
  • Extending the limits of painting.
  • New tools in image processing.
  • Knowledge and study of contemporary art artists.
  • Learning in team and individual work with emphasis on the creative process rather than on the completion of the work.