Visits to the EAO Library

Visits to the EAO Library

The School of Arts and Crafts confirms the dates on which its Library will be open to the public: NP Biblioteca Escuela de Artes y Oficios_250 años (click here) / Prentsa-oharra_Arte eta Lanbide Eskolako liburutegia_250 urte You can reserve your attendance through the...
Activities at the EAO Library

Activities at the EAO Library

ACTIVIDADES CULTURALES EN LA BIBLIOTECA DE LA ESCUELA DE ARTES Y OFICIOS AÑO 2025 (pincha aquí para ver las aperturas especiales) La Escuela de Artes y Oficios confirma las fechas en las que se abrirá al público su Biblioteca: NP Biblioteca Escuela de Artes y...


The library bears the name of its founders, the Fournier family, who in 1920 donated their bibliographic collections to the School of Arts and Crafts, then the cultural nerve center of Vitoria-Gasteiz. From its opening until its closing, some 30 years ago, the...